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Do We Coexist with an Unseen, Non-Human Intelligence?

Last updated on February 5, 2025

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”

It is theoretically conceivable that evolved, non-human intelligence may exist on Earth without our awareness, especially if it operates at a level above our current perceptions or understanding. A sophisticated society may inhabit higher dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions we acknowledge, potentially existing outside our perceptions of space and time. Consider the character “Q” in Star Trek. They may operate in a higher-dimensional domain, interacting with our world in a way that escapes our detection, similar to a being in a two-dimensional cosmos unable to fully grasp a three-dimensional existence. Imagine a two-dimensional entity on a sheet of paper attempting to comprehend a 3D pencil penetrating the surface of its 2D universe. They may manifest as a kind of stuff or energy that evades discovery by current technology, such as dark matter or dark energy, which comprises a significant portion of the universe while remaining elusive.

Non-human intelligences (NHI) may possess advanced cloaking technology that surpasses our capabilities, allowing them to elude detection by light, sound, or electromagnetic radiation. They may have the capacity to manipulate the environment or human perception to stay completely and intentionally inconspicuous. They may utilize advanced nanotechnology to merge with our surroundings at the molecular, atomic, or even subatomic level, making their presence unrecognizable from the natural world. This could allow them to inhabit areas of space without leaving any detectable evidence for human senses or instruments.

A sophisticated understanding of human consciousness and perception could allow them to manipulate our visual, aural, and/or tactile sensations. This may involve altering our neurological processes or utilizing technology to create illusions, rendering themselves undetectable, or altering our perception of reality. Alien visitors may be among us at all times, yet we fail to recognize them.

They may also exist in an alternate temporal scale or phase, where their interactions occur at velocities or frequencies beyond human awareness. Alternatively, they may phase between our reality and another, interacting with our world only at specific moments or under certain conditions. An advanced society may transcend physical existence, existing as pure mind, energy, or knowledge. These beings may interact with the physical universe in a complex manner that exceeds our current understanding of conscious awareness or the nature of existence. They may operate as a collective mind, distributed across the world or even beyond, without occupying a physical presence. Their “existence” may relate more to information processing and energy patterns than to tangible beings or constructs.

The presence of a sophisticated civilization on Earth, unknown to us, relies on their functioning in a manner that markedly differs from our understanding of existence, matter, and perception. A civilization might remain hidden, interacting with our world through higher-dimensional existence, advanced technology, or non-physical methodologies in ways that elude our detection or comprehension.

It is theoretically conceivable that advanced, perhaps extraterrestrial, civilizations have established bases in the ocean, beneath the ocean floor, or in remote, severe settings such as the Arctic or Antarctic. This is entirely speculation. Nonetheless, the seas represent the most inadequately researched and formidable ecosystems on the planet. An advanced society may capitalize on this by establishing bases at considerable depths, beyond human detection capability. The immense pressure, low temperatures, and lack of light impede the effective functioning of modern human-engineered equipment, providing a natural and advantageous concealment for any activities taking place at these profound depths.

NHI may have the capability to construct vast underwater cities or research facilities using materials and engineering techniques that surpass our current comprehension. These buildings may comprise metamaterials undetectable by sonar or other detection methods, and they could exploit energy from geothermal vents or other natural resources found on the ocean floor.

Numerous tales exist of enigmatic objects, generally referred to as USOs, traveling underwater at remarkable speeds. These may be linked to submerged extraterrestrial installations through which advanced vehicles enter and exit oceanic portals or discreetly hidden structures. Certain individuals contend that submerged formations, like those adjacent to Japan’s Yonaguni Monument, could be vestiges of ancient, extraterrestrial installations or sophisticated human societies shaped by alien influences. These sites may have been selected for their geographic isolation and potential tactical benefits.

It is also feasible that a civilization possessing advanced tunneling or drilling skills could create bases beneath the sea floor. The alleged extraterrestrials linked to the friendship cases in Pescara, Italy, in the 1950s and 1960s were reportedly capable of creating voids in the Earth without any apparatus, but by manipulating an unknown, invisible force. These bases would be completely hidden within the Earth’s crust or deeper, such as at the Mohorovičić discontinuity, which delineates the boundary between the Earth’s crust and mantle.

To maintain their autonomy, NHI may harness energy from hydrothermal vents or other geothermal sources to power their installations. These places are rich in minerals and energy, providing a stable environment for extended habitation. Antarctica encompasses the most isolated and inhospitable regions on Earth, marked by punishing cold, powerful winds, and extreme isolation. These characteristics make it an ideal site for clandestine NHI installations.

Human activity in the region is minimal and generally confined to scientific study. Subglacial lakes, such as Lake Vostok, exist beneath thick Antarctic ice sheets and have been entirely isolated from the Earth’s surface for millions of years. An advanced civilization could establish bases in or adjacent to these sub-surface lakes, utilizing the isolation and unique environmental conditions. They could construct bases far beneath the ice, employing methods and materials that either integrate with or reinforce the ice, making identification by satellites or aircraft impossible. These constructs may operate autonomously, utilizing advanced technology to generate heat and energy in the severe polar environment.

The concept of extraterrestrial structures in Antarctica has been prominent in conspiracy theories and speculative fiction, often linked to stories involving Admiral Byrd flying into a giant hole in the Earth at the South Pole, Nazi bases, and Nordic aliens. Despite remaining unproven and with no appreciable evidence to support them, these baseless assertions sustain ongoing wonder over the possible presence of hidden extraterrestrial activity in Antarctica.

The Arctic, distinguished by vast sea ice and secluded islands, also represents a viable location for hidden, distant NHI outposts. These bases may be situated beneath the ice or on remote landmasses, obscured by the severe environment and variable ice conditions. The Arctic region is recognized for its variable magnetic anomalies, which advanced NHI civilizations might utilize to obscure their activities. These aberrations may hinder or obfuscate electromagnetic signals, hampering detection efforts.

Oceanic or arctic sites are ideally suited for the covert observation of human activity. From these locations, extraterrestrials may surveil global communications, military activities, or environmental conditions with minimal risk of detection. The ocean constitutes almost 70% of the Earth’s surface, and the poles are ideally situated to observe both hemispheres. Establishments in these isolated regions could facilitate rapid global access for military operations or covert reconnaissance. The technology required to assemble structures at considerable ocean depths or beneath ice sheets would require specialized materials that can easily withstand intense pressure, low temperatures, and highly corrosive environments. These materials may exhibit self-repairing capabilities, high energy efficiency, and the capacity to integrate with the environment to avoid discovery.

Installations in remote or extreme conditions, such as the deep ocean or polar regions, must be energy-autonomous. This may involve utilizing geothermal energy, nuclear fusion, harnessing the “zero-point” energy field, or leveraging some unidentified energy source. These bases may incorporate closed-loop biological systems that recycle air, water, and waste and supply food to ensure environmental stability and sustain life. They could exceed all current human technology, enabling extended life without external resources. It is reasonable to consider that any sufficiently evolved society has likely mastered and significantly exceeded human-developed technologies by significant orders of magnitude.

An advanced civilization could employ sophisticated stealth technologies that make its facilities or vessels in Near Earth Orbit (NEO) practically undetectable by radar, optical telescopes, or other terrestrial detection systems. This may involve absorbing or deflecting electromagnetic signals, employing radar-absorbent materials, or deploying cloaking systems that render objects invisible to the naked eye or detection devices. They may design their craft to exhibit low reflection or to integrate seamlessly with the cosmic backdrop, making them unrecognizable from space debris or satellites. These structures may be situated in orbits that are difficult to observe or identify, such as geostationary or very elliptical orbits.

NEO provides an ideal vantage point for monitoring human activities. A discreet facility or spaceship in this location might monitor the entire planet without detection. This is allegedly the purpose of the so-called “Black Knight” satellite. Proximity to Earth could permit the quick deployment of smaller vessels or technical assets to the Earth’s surface or other areas within the solar system, providing it a perfect strategic position for surveillance or military intervention.

Orbital stations or drones in NEO may be utilized to accomplish specific purposes. These may encompass data acquisition, experimental methodologies, or satellite surveillance. These mechanisms may be tiny, autonomous modules that operate autonomously and remain inconspicuous. The Lagrange points, particularly L1, L2, and L3, offer stable gravitational positions where these extraterrestrial objects may remain motionless in relation to the Earth and Moon. L2, situated on the far side of the Moon, would serve as an exceptionally advantageous site to conceal significant structures that would be difficult to discern from Earth.

The Moon’s far side often termed the “dark side,” remains perpetually hidden as it is perpetually oriented away from Earth because due to “tidal locking.” This makes it an ideal location for hiding, as any structures or installations located there would remain continuously hidden from direct observation by Earth-based telescopes and sensors. The lunar far side is shielded from substantial amounts of Earth’s electromagnetic interference, making it an optimal location for sensitive operations requiring a serene environment, such as deep-space communication, astronomical research, or the operation of advanced technology requiring minimal environmental interference.

A technologically advanced civilization could potentially develop outposts beneath the lunar surface, using the Moon’s regolith for protection from meteorite impacts, radiation, and high temperatures. These bases may be outfitted with advanced life-support systems and energy sources such as fusion reactors, solar power arrays, or zero-point energy generators. They may build structures on the far side of the Moon, employing materials that mimic the lunar regolith in appearance and chemistry, making them difficult to distinguish from natural formations. This may include retractable or modular designs that harmoniously fit with the landscape.

A lunar colony on the Moon’s far side would provide an ideal location for deep space observation, devoid of Earth’s atmospheric and electromagnetic disturbances. It might also serve as a research facility for the study of the Moon, the solar system, and beyond. The Moon’s diminished gravity also makes it an efficient launch platform for deploying missions to diverse areas of the solar system or beyond into interstellar space. A concealed base might enable exploratory missions or support a fleet of spacecraft with significantly diminished energy demands. The far side of the Moon may also host advanced communication relays enabling secure and uninterrupted communication across the solar system. These relays may be obscured from terrestrial detection, ensuring the anonymity of interplanetary communications.

An advanced civilization may possess technology that allows objects to change their phase or vibrational state, making them temporarily or permanently undetectable by current human technology. This may involve shifting to a wavelength or frequency that is imperceptible to human instruments. They may utilize quantum-level technologies to alter particles, thereby concealing an object or obscuring its presence from all known detection methods, including the use of quantum entanglement to maintain a hidden state.

All we truly know about UAPs and NHI is that they exist. We do not know who they are or where they come from. We may be dealing with several advanced civilizations from many different locations in the universe, operating on many different levels of technology, all with different perhaps incompatible, agendas. Who or whatever they are, their obvious technological superiority, demonstrated by the otherworldly behavior of their vehicles and the impunity with which they operate above our most sensitive military installations, leaves us at their mercy. Could humanity be nothing more than an inconvenience? Perhaps NHI are not interested in our planet for anything but the plethora of riches it provides, and humans are no more than pesky flies at a picnic. When asked, Robert Bigelow said that aliens are right there, under our noses. Perhaps, when and if the Pentagon’s perpetual gaslighting ever ceases, we will be in a better position to recognize them.

Published inCulture and SocietyDisclosurePhilosophyPolitical ScienceScience/TechnologyUAPs

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